Galleri Snik Snak danner rammen for en pop-up udstilling af værker af musiker og kunstner Tom Hartmann, der bor i Nürnberg i sydtyskland. Udstillingen hedder: ”POPSTARS, STRUCTURES & STEEL".
Der er fernisering lørdag d. 24. august 2024 kl. 14.00, hvor der serveres kaffe, kage og bobler.
Arrangementet er gratis og alle er velkomne.
Se Toms værker på hans egen hjemmeside:
art & illustrations
Christmas in the Old Postoffice
saturday 24. november 2018 kl. 10.00 - free admission
Guitar exhibition and double concert
Saturday the 1st of April 2017.
Here is a little video that shows the guitars, that are exhibited here in Galleri Snik Snak.
The guitars belong to Kield Andersson who have restored them. It is still possible to see them. Write to us, and we can find a time, so Kield can show you the guitars, and tell you all about them. From technical details to anecdotes about who made them and who played them.
The music on the video is made by Holger Vig, who played at the event the 1. of april. You can hear more of his selfmade music if you click here:
Here are some photos from the guitarevent. Besides the exhibition of Kield Anderssons guitars, there were also two concerts. One with Kield Andersson who played some blues and ballads on some of the guitars, that were on the exhibition. And Holger Vig who was promoting his new CD - "Forløberen"
Christmas in the Old Postoffice
event saturday 17. december 2016 kl. 13.05 - free admission
At this event there was a Café where we served typical german x-mas cake "Stollen", other x-mas cakes, cookies, punch, coffee and tea and a lot of christmas atmosphere among the art of Ulrike Erdmann, Thomas P.A. and artists from "Mejeriet" in Tarm. Students from Vostrup Efterskole were playing and singing.
Ulrike had made "Lebkuchen" which looked like a letter on both sides. The stamp was made out of fondant with a drawing and all the painting on the "letter" was made with foodpens. That way you could sent a christmasgreeting. These letters were send to friends or family and were brought out the next day by Per, who was dressed up like a mailman from the old days. Here are photos from the day.
Galleri Snik Snak - Opening
Tarmvej 67, Vostrup, 6880 Tarm
sunday 16. oktober 2016 kl. 14.00 - free admission
Galleri Snik Snak opening was a great success with a lot of guests.
There was a lot of things going on, besides the revealing of the new sign outside with the name of Galleri Snik Snak, Andreas Viebrock was singing and playing on the piano, Fido the Clown was performing in the garden.
The exhibition it self was in an atmosphere of adventure where there was a lot of surprises hiddden in the whole house. Many of them had a nice sweet taste. Besides Ulrikes works, there was ceramics of Christiane, Ulrike's mother, and a local artist, Thomas Pilgaard Andersen, displayed his paintings All in all it was an artful gathering - art meets artists.
As an illustrator, I illustrate texts in different forms such as poetry, proverbs, stories, etc. and own projects as my calendar. See below. Again Click on the illustration to see them in an enlargement
I also draw personalized Christmas cards, confirmation, baby shower or wedding cards. If you are interested, send me an e-mail with stories about the person, a picture or a fairy tale describing the person's qualities.
This calendar takes the Brothers Grimm fairytales and the twelve senses as Rudolf Steiner sees them, and connects them in a zodiacal calendar.
Click on the photos for an enlargement
Come visit me - or write!
Tarmvej 67, Vostrup
6880 Tarm
Cell phone: 0045 - 42 27 37 73
I'm a person of few words.
I think in pictures. When I meet a word, a text, I get inspired. I put thoughts into pictures, paintings, drawings, illustrations...
The world is...
... me, too...
I'm German, living in Denmark, therefore the website is in English...
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